Saturday, September 27, 2008

Frank Corrigan’s Dominoes a novel by Anthony Ambaka Kegode

In a depraved and indifferent world, two Boston brothers will wreak havoc as they fulfill their distinct bloodlust seeking vengeance on unsuspecting victims for the crimes of their father.

Evil is as evil does in Frank Corrigan’s Dominoes, a grisly, fascinating debut thriller by Anthony Ambaka Kegode that illustrates how the horrors and sins of paternal child abuse can ripple into society. When brothers Richard and Jimmy Corrigan unleash their pent up anger and aggression on their wholly innocent, unsuspecting, and even vulnerable victims, readers realize the injustices that cruelty can spawn. Theirs is a Boston where an eye for an eye equates to a sociopathic frenzy where violence is their war cry and only solace. Raised in an incredibly dysfunctional and sadistic home, both brothers are what their family made them and what the system failed to provide them. As victim after victim falls to Richard and Jimmy’s wicked and vengeful whims, a police officer seeking justice will learn that there is no remedy, no hope, and no peace for the wickedness of the Corrigan brothers.

Wildly original, Frank Corrigan’s Dominoes is a frenetic and fully-charged debut by Anthony Ambaka Kegode that illustrates the world through violence. This new author marks a bold path that is resolute, while his prose is written with an understated urgency reminiscent of Chuck Palahniuk and Stephen King. He demonstrates society’s apathy, and thereby creates an archetypal example of the modern misanthrope that is all too disarming and all too realistic. In a rush of action that never lets up, two Boston sons’ dysfunction will wreak havoc on what might be described as manifest if not inevitable—follow the domino effect that a father’s violence has on his sons, now grown and eager to share the fear. Mark Stevenson, church leader, husband, and father, and Tommy Wessler, innocent, dope-smoking gas station attendant, are not alone. You, too, will soon know the wrath of Richard and Jimmy Corrigan who were raised in hell and are now willing and able to spread the violence. Brought up on the mean streets of Boston, beaten by their brutal and sadistic father, and completely disregarded by their ineffective mother, their pain manifests as society’s agony. In fact, when Trooper First Class Bill Lindhurst happens upon the brothers’ victims, this dedicated officer who is accustomed to taking care of business will be thrust into the bedlam of the truly sociopath mind—raw, unadulterated, dangerous, and somehow familiar. As Richard and Jimmy are unable to stop themselves, it will seemingly be up to the hands of fate at the bottleneck of providence to disarm them. In this life, nothing is free, nothing is fair, and nothing can undo the Corrigan brothers.

A powerful debut, supple, distinct, and alarming, Frank Corrigan’s Dominoes is a glimpse into the mind of Richard and Jimmy Corrigan, two sadistic brothers from Boston with vengeance in their heart and mayhem on their mind. Both sociopaths, neither has a shred of decency left in their pain-addled bodies to spare any on their victims. Their choices become clear: the world must pay for their father’s transgressions. No matter how innocent their prey, the brothers are merciless in their intent. One father’s bad relationship raising his two sons unleashes ripples of misery and horror, felling his sons and their victims like lined dominos. If you love suspense and are addicted to adrenaline—read this book. Behold, there is a fresh master of pathos and terror. New author Anthony Ambaka Kegode writes with the prowess of Stephen King and the insight of Chuck Palahniuk. Much like life itself, his is an unrestrained world that is brutal and honest, often in the same breath, which is what makes it brilliant and believable—you won’t be able to put it down.

“Welcome home kid,” Lindhurst said. “I’m not afraid because Richard taught me that you don’t have to be afraid,” James said, looking out through the barred windows at the Andover Barracks, “and for everyone who hurts you, you can hurt them back.” Lindhurst parked the patrol car and opened the door and breathed fresh air but even the night breeze seemed to carry the hot taint of the jungle as if somewhere out of sight a great beast was lurking and waiting to pounce.

A stunning example of suffering and all that is unjust; Frank Corrigan’s Dominoes by new author Anthony Ambaka Kegode is aggressive and absolutely brilliant. At every turn of this debut crime thriller readers wait for the other shoe to drop only to realize that this boot-in-the-gut sort of plot never lets up. A tale of two dysfunctional brothers who are both sociopaths—in tandem and at heart—will wreak havoc on unsuspecting New England communities. Raised in hell, their world is chaos, unrelenting and merciless. The see evil, they hear it, and they do it. Their cruel and violent upbringing nurtures them into two sadistic sociopaths,—and a sad, pitiless, vicious domino effect ripples through society. They have no regard, and they have no conscience. Evil has a new label; a timeless brotherhood of terror.
Author Biography Born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, Anthony Ambaka Kegode currently lives with his wife and children in New Hampshire. This is his first book.

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